Portable electric sifting machine makes cleaning your rock yard so much easier! Get rid of that pesky dirt and sand in your rock yard much faster than a manual sifter.

Rent A Sifting Maching

Make your rock yard be the envy of the neighborhood!

Rent our dirt / gravel electric powered machine to help make cleaning your rock yard faster and less back breaking.

Rent A Sifting Machine
Rock Yard Before
Rock Yard After

Clean your rock yard hours faster. 
Your back with thank you!

Rent A Sifting Machine
I want to thank you for providing such a helpful machine! Last time my husband cleaned our front yard with a manual sifter it took days.  This time with the machine helping, he was done in 1 day. Thank you!

Maria Sanchez

I own a small landscaping company and cleaning gravel is very time consuming.  We tried this machine last week and here's what I have to say, 5 tons of gravel, 3 guys, done in 4 hours......AMAZING!!!

Diego Martinez

My rock yard is small, but it’s the nicest on the block. Cleaning out the dirt from the rocks made all the difference.

Quinn Beckett

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